Susan Hammel

Susan Hammel, CFA, translates between mission-driven change-makers and expert investors. Susan began her career at Prudential Impact Investments where she managed an $88 million impact portfolio and obtained her CFA® . Susan’s Harvard MPP and cum laude philosophy degree from Carleton College inspired her to leave Wall Street and use her financial acumen to help mission-driven organizations.

Susan has extensive board experience, serving on the Fresh Energy Board, Minnetonka Yacht Club Board, and Carleton Careers Advisory Board. Previously she served on the Sunrise Banks’ Advisory Board and was prior chair of the Citizens League and NPH USA. A lifelong lover of water, (liquid or frozen) Susan and her family reside in Deephaven, a lakeside community outside Minneapolis where she enjoys competitive sailing, recreational kayaking, and skiing.


Mari Oyanagi Eggum


Jane Leonard